When did you become a quilter? Some of us begin at a young age, and some have more life experience when we get lost in the quilting world. We all begin somewhere. I began calling myself a quilter in my mid-30s. That quilting bug bites, and we end up with more fabric than we will ever be able to use. Anyone else in a similar situation?? Our seams may be wonky, and seams may not all be pressed the same direction, but we feel such a sense of accomplishment when we have finished our first quilt! We can't wait to make another one. With each quilt our skills grow.
Quilting has been passed on from generation to generation for hundreds of years. It is a way we provide warmth and comfort, tell stories, and leave a mark that we were here and our creativity matters. I have the privilege to pass the love of quilting on to my daughter. She helped make her first quilt at the age of two and a half. She picked out the fabrics and laid them all out. Of course, it had to be a quilt for her dolls!
Over the last year at ages six and seven, she has worked on sewing her first quilt by herself. It was definitely a learning experience for both of us. There was a lot of seam ripping and trying again as she learned to get a consistent seam allowance. Practice is still needed, but much progress was made. She learned to press, sew, and lay out her fabrics. I am still in charge of the rotary cutter though! This was also good practice in learning to tackle a big project, to take it in steps and walk away when we needed a break. For a child who likes to finish things right now and move on to the next thing, this was a good lesson.
So of course when my longarm arrived, this was the first quilt to be loaded on the frame. She felt so proud to have her quilt finished and to be my first customer. She is great at helping me load quilts and remember the maintenance steps. It won't be long before she is running the business!
If you are a new quilter and wondering if your quilt is good enough to send to a longarmer, it is! With each quilt, your skills will improve. Look for resources to learn and ask for help when needed. I would love to help you finish your quilts so they will be loved and treasured!
Quilt: Wonder Woman quilt-self designed
Fabric: Wonder woman and various solids
Batting: Quilters Dream wool
Panto: Superstar